Environmental Policy

Amelia Wilhelmina Elliott-Harvey Estates (AWEHE) are conscious of our legal and social responsibilities in helping the environment through our working practices. Our objective is not only to support and conserve our local environment for the future but also to repair damage done in the past. Our responsibility reaches beyond the physical borders of the estates and so we will make every effort to conserve resources and consider the environment throughout our operations.

AWEHE will meet existing environmental laws and regulation and strive to go beyond that baseline whenever possible.

Our company’s future and the future of the local and global environment are interconnected.

Sharing our Commitment

Our policy towards the environment will be readily available and promoted to our stakeholders. We will endeavor to ensure everyone we work with is familiar with our policy and will consider how their actions can help us to implement our environmental commitment and objectives.

  • AWEHE environmental policy will be available to view on our website.

  • AWEHE environmental policy will be present in our main reception buildings.

  • AWEHE will bring environmental concerns into our education work.


AWEHE will endeavor to reduce the impact on the environment where ever possible with respect to transport.

  • Look for and contract local products and services to reduce transport costs.

  • Avoid unnecessary travel.

  • Encourage the use of public transport, cycle or foot.

  • Encourage car pooling and other shared transport.

Resources - Water and Energy Consumption

AWEHE supports and adheres to Jamaica’s plan for reducing carbon dioxide emissions both through a reduction in total energy consumption and by moving to purchased renewable, ‘green’ energy or through generating renewable, offgrid electricity at our location.

We will aim to use water as efficiently and cleanly as possible, including considering how we capture, retain and dispose of water on our site.

  • Use energy efficient products where possible, monitor usage and created reductions in use.

  • Make every effort to use water efficiently. 


AWEHE will minimize the waste and pollution created by our operations through planning to ensure that the minimum amount of waste and pollution is generated and that an increasing proportion of that waste is recycled.

  • Have visible and accessible recycling bins, preparing and separating waste appropriately; connecting to official recycling services.

  • Compost organic waste or adopt other circular practices like using as feed for animals.

  • Bring sustainable practices (such as preferencing reusable items, realizing the sustainability of traditional methods), recycling and anti-littering information into our educational work. 

  • Avoid pollutants entering the water drainage system.

  • Be conscious of how our operations can impact the air quality through pollutants and seek to minimize any air polution.


AWEHE will minimize environmental impact when purchasing and acquiring materials.

  • Prioritize locally made, recycled and recyclable goods and minimize the use of materials which have a detrimental effect on the environment through their creation or disposal.

  • Try to use contractors who share a similar commitment to the environment, including the consideration of lifetime costs of materials used in building and repair work.

  • Cut our all non-essential paper communications and printing.

  • Consider the environmental impact of its electronic communication cloud storage within decision making.

  • Where possible, purchase locally-grown food and encourage the sustainable production of food locally. 

Natural Environment

AWEHE will conserve, protect and improve the natural environment, its flora and fauna. 

  • Actively involve itself within documentation, study and conservation of endemic plants and animals.

  • Actively involve itself within citizen feedback processes around planning and development in Jamaica and our region.

  • Minimize the light pollution from our estates.

Thank you for helping us to secure and improve the environment.

Creation Date: 10 March 2023
Review Period: Annually